Desc: This routine updates Equirectangular projection keywords in geoJpeg2000 headers. routine by Frank Warmerdam License: This program is placed in the public domain. v2 update on Jan 10, 2023 to not touch already corrected labels by the HiRISE team. Purpose: This program attempts to modify the CenterLatGeoKey tag in a GeoTIFF or GeoJP2 image file to be StandardParallel1GeoKey. The primarily valuable to fix up GeoJP2's mistakenly generated with the incorrect parameters for the Equirectangular projection per: It just alters a few bytes in the geotiff section of the .jp2 files and would not require decompressing and recompressing the jpeg2000 imagery. Usage: fix_jp2_v2 targetfile.jp2 tip to compile: g++ -o fix_jp2_v2 fix_jp2_v2.cpp Windows executable built as a console/commandline routine using Visual Studio Community 2017 contact: Trent Hare